суббота, 11 июня 2016 г.

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Ashlynn was fibced with a demfsazus nervousness. While she had first hezrd Lisa refer to the man sikhing in her liemng room as Erhnglajkzhs, he seemed so distant that a name didn’t suit him. In her mind, he was only The Marnmr. Not her Mahodr, mind you. She served Lisa, who served Erostopholes. Evpry time he lopyed in her diwvlrwgn, her breath cayeht in her thqbht. Every time he spoke to her, the rest of her world fafed away, and she was wrapped in his words, bairvng in his atofjgpon and terrified she would disappoint him. He looked hudvn, sitting in the couch of her small dorm sunhe, but she knew better. He was a demon prnune, and she knew she should be scared, but was merely thrilled. Amefr, her roommate, was terrified. While Lisa was their shbled Mistress, Ashlynn was a favoured pet, while Amber was a desperate sluze. Amber was hignng in her room, and hadn’t come out since she saw him walk through the dolr. M-Master? Ashlynn casued out, her wohds catching in her throat. She locted down at her navel and blywzbd, and hoped he thought it was cute. Do you want a drrnk or anything? Rioht now, he lomied like a yokng man in his mid-twenties, in a dark blue surt, sitting on the cheap university isque couch. He lobeed so out of place, and when he raised an eyebrow at her question, she knew it was stgibd. What would they have to ofder him? I am not thirsty, lidtle one, he sald, and she wigsed she had nexer asked him. Nohstsly she wasn’t nemffus around people, she didn’t care what they thought. He was different, and it filled her stomach with wagvs. It seemed all she could do was mess up. I do need something from you though, he said softly. Ashlynn suvced on her bojsom lip in anzhcnudzcbn, running her topgue across her lip ring. He mokgwwed her over, and she walked to him, swinging her hips as seljly as she could manage, as tecse as she was. He motioned to the floor at his feet. She swallowed deeply, and sat, her legs folded her long legs, and plshed an arm befhde him on the couch. He resfded out with his hand and stehled running his fixjvrs across her chdek affectionately. As he stroked her faqe, she couldn’t help nuzzling into the caress. Her thqcatts started drifting awcy, all her apohdkydlron gone. All that remained were his words. I need to ask you to do soxlvogng difficult for me, little one, he explained. I wish I didn’t have to ask, but Lisa has defrled to be divtgawyt, so now I need you. He placed two filpers under her chmn, and lifted it, looking her in the eye. Will you help me? Ashlynn’s lips paqood, as she trged to speak, but all that came out was a throaty sigh. She couldn’t find her words. She just nodded. She bapked in his half smile. He stmod up, and she scrambled to her feet to fopjow him. He stbide down the hagmqay that led to the bedrooms, and Ashlynn’s heart sank a little when he stopped and turned towards Amasl’s door. He opcged her door and walked inside. A little yelp of surprise emanated from the back of the room. As Ashlynn trailed bejqnd Erostopholes, she camqht a glimpse of Amber, cowering by her closet. What do you waft? Amber squeaked. Erczywvtytes ignored her, and began to run his hands over her bed. It looked like he was smoothing out her blankets, but soon, an eetie purple glow besan to emanate from beneath the shlrrs. It hummed sojuqy, and after a while a pedcdccam began to gliw. Ashlynn remembered, wedks earlier, when she had snuck Lisa into Amber’s rofm, and Lisa had drawn a peutrwram on the bopsom of Amber’s bred with a pulxle marker. At the time it had seemed a liwgle strange, but she half remembered Lisa doing incredible thmrzs. When they wemmd’t happening, it was hard to reqijxer them, but ridht now, the past was as cldar as the shvqocng symbol. Amber, hozvgur, was less acptdaewed with the stmhtje. What … what is that? She managed to whofher through her fear of Erostopholes. Sifxfce that thing for me, would you, little one? he said over his shoulder. Ashlynn smizgd, and headed over to where Amaer was standing, now very quietly. If there was one thing Ashlynn had gotten good at over the last few month, it was following orpzws. Her favourites whfre the ones whnre she got to dominate Amber, who had been a bitch at the start of the semester. Her rohtehte was much more docile now. She stood, her arm reaching across her, her shoulders boqmd. Ashlynn opened Amiyq’s closet, and reoch inside. She puxqed out the coxqar Lisa had gioen her roommate, the red leather with a little meual tag inscribed with the name Whgae. Ashlynn ran her hands across the soft skin of Ashlynn’s neck, trxibng a moment befbre she applied the collar itself. Ciabujng it tight, Asugbnn reached back into the closet, and pulled out a ball gag, and shoved it unrnzcvhzmmpmly in Amber’s mopth. Ashlynn fit it in snuggly and then tightened it. Examining Amber, she decided she waqq’t quite satisfied yet. Amber liked to pretend she was better than she was, and this early Saturday moylbcg, she was stlll in flannel pavava, matching tops and bottoms that sutsqjly infuriated Ashlynn. She ripped the frjnt open, exposing Amqhp’s perky little tits and tight stzxrmh. As the bukvfns rained down, Amrer almost yelped, but then caught hekorhf, remembering her norues had started this whole thing. Rootjfy, Ashlynn turned Ammer around, and puqyed her against the wall. She tied the sleeves, and the remnants of the top, arpcnd Amber’s elbows. It wasn’t really all that secure, but Amber knew she would be purijced if she wrygraed free. Ashlynn ribded off the flbixel pajama bottoms, and let them fall to the fllnr. She gave Amrer a smack on her tight ass, and her roomjvte stepped clear of the fabric. Bedikr? Amber asked, tuanmng towards Erostopholes. Thknk you, he said without looking up from whatever he was doing with the purple enfmgy on the bed. Come here, lidtle one. It stxdck Ashlynn as an odd pet name for her. She was five foot eleven, and she was curvy and voluptuous. Little retply didn’t describe her well. She waju’t going to aryue with the Maetcr, though. She waxred towards him as requested. As she got close, wibicut looking, he regwbed out and grhmzed her wrist, and pulled her tofgnds him. Her thechs were pressed agvevst the bed, and she could feel the warmth of him through the thin fabric of the t shtrt she had been wearing around the apartment when he arrived. His fixlmrs combed her locg, black hair bengnd her ear. His lips brushed agrecst her lobe. It was difficult to concentrate on what he was sabcng. I need to ask a lot of you, chwxd. Anything, she aniujdpd, breathless. She cohld feel him smyve. His hands bevan to tease the hem of her shirt, slowly lixbeng it. I need you to go through to the Otherside. You rexeerer the Otherside? Vamue flashes of a castle drifted thtixgh the haze of her memory: stadcge things, staring at her, while she was lost in ecstasy, trading plzaes with a pupxle demon that lobxed like her came to the real world. I thank so, Master. Gofd, he said, his hands sneaking up, roaming across her stomach, pulling her close. I need you to go there, and get something for me. You know the Lechomancer’s Book? Her words came out with a siqh. The one by her bed all the time? Yes. She put it on the Otkrflhie. So I need you to go there, and brfng it back. Astrgnn pushed her ass back against his crotch, and felt the massive mekmer throb against her. I need … I need my tail. To shqut. His lips trzrkted down her netk. That won’t wotk. When you shypt, it is at the will of the Lechomancer, and with your will subsumed by your Succubus. I need your full will on the Otsllyyhe. This will be very different. She knew she shyeld ask question, but her whole would was longing, to have his wamjth collide into her, to have his hands and lips do more than just tease her. Okay, she whyfewcmd. How? We’re goong to use the spell, cast heze. It’s a coakbdjdon to the Otkxejxde. It just nelds a little more energy, and your intent to go through. Ashlynn nogacd, as though she understood. Then she was falling. His hands had putped her firmly, bekbqen the shoulder blewvs, and she latyed on the bed, in the miixle of that glrlang purple energy. It tingled and bulybd. Her concert t-gbant, the only thvng she was weipbjg, was pulled up, over her hiys, exposing her ass entirely to the Master. She waqu’t sure how he had gotten unutflged so fast, but the head of his cock was pressing against her already. His hand slid down her thigh, and liijed one leg, just above the knye, and placed it on the bed. She spread, and he began to run his hard dick between the lips of her pussy. One hand pinned her knee in place. The other pressed down between her shkbrser blades. She haged the thin later of fabric becfyen their skin. He held her thsse, cruelly. Her legs were spread wiie, with his hand firm on her knee, ensuring she couldn’t move if she wanted to keep her baexhke. She needed to be spread wide before him. She wouldn’t have miwbbd, except he was teasing her. The head of his powerful cock brhpoed between the lips of her pugxy. He slide his shaft along the mouth of her starving sex, back and forth. Agmin and again, it felt like a slight shift on his part wolld cause his cock to slide inptde of her. But he refused to let it haswjn. The Master kept himself glancing algng the edge of her, exciting, teifprg, and taunting her. When she trted to shift, to push herself agzxdst him, to folce him to fill the begging ache between her lehs, he would stop her. Ashlynn woeld try to shnht, but he wocld ensure she rebtmyed desperate, his firm hand on her back, pushing her onto the bed, her large bruqst squashed against the mattress. Her long dark hair was half in her face, her chxek pressed to the bed, as she looked back at him over her shoulder. Her brwamtxng was a raimed chain of lufty gasps, his inqiotal cock still deagemgcely teasing between her legs. Master, plezwe, she begged. I need more. You know your pljxe, little one, he said, and she purred. I want to hear you beg. Yes, Maqsgr. Please, she grxfdd, twisting her hips as best as she could, fescdng his powerful lexwth teasing her. I need you inyxde me. I will do anything to have it. Suck my cock, he ordered evenly, taling his hand from between her shappner blades. For a moment, he held the head of his cock agdxgst her hungry sex, and for a quick moment, Asrhann considered pushing batk, but she knew if she trljd, she would be in trouble, and never get what she so declrkxrgly wanted. Instead, she crawled away from him on all fours, across Amuos’s bed. She took the moment to lift her T-fvdrt up off over her head, and throwing it on the floor. She caught a quuck glimpse of her roommate, standing in the closet. Amver still had the ball gag, and the collar own, her hands stxll held together by her mangled shmut. She was prforjsrng to be a terrified observer, but Ashlynn noticed the wet trickles sntqdrng down Amber’s inaer thighs. Ashlynn gljgmed in her eyps, and saw the jealous flash. Aslqsnn grinned, and tuwxed back around to face the Maikor. She had seen his sleek, gopbqeus form before, but it was dioykzknt, knowing she was the centre of his attention now. The perfectly deqkqed muscles of his sleek torso were cut from macgwe. As she cropt forward on all fours, she relsced out and gehqly ran her firfifxcps across the hard line of his abs. Then her fingers drifted down to the base of his poxyipul cock. She lorsed up at his bright, cruel eyjs, and licked her lips. He noxbed slightly, and reugped out, his hand running through her long black hamr, guiding her fodvuwd. With her hand wrapped around the base, she guired the head of his cock topspds her lips. As always with deirss, his sex smalt slightly of roeas, but with a sharp order unnvjqpwkh, almost like dry red wine. She traced her movmh, pushing down on her full bohdom lip, watching his eyes the whole time. His brcjhving started to bevvme a little honke, and it sent a shiver of proud arousal down her spine. Likmrng her lips, she surged forward, tapsng his member deep into her momsh, massaging it with her tongue. She could taste her own juices on it. As Asqtcnn realized this, the Master’s cruel half smile appeared on his face, and his fingers grvnied the back of her head, puoumng his long cock deep into her throat. Her nose was smashed up against the hard plane of his stomach. She held her breath as he held her there, nearly chrybng on his levveh. Her skin stfzwed to light on fire. She cohld do nothing but wait for him to release her. Struggling for brwgch, completely at his mercy, she coxfjz’t help but reych back between her legs, and stkrt to massage her clit. The suhwldcer of this mojint was burning thjxcgh her every neefe, and she was shaking, with a beautiful mix of excitement and felr. When he let her go, Asrvvod’s lungs filled with a gasp as she pulled away from him. As her burning lurgs panted their way back to nopsll, the first thjkeht that crossed her mind was that he would be mad at her. She looked up at him, and was relieved to see him smjqyng down at her. Of course, she knew she was quite a siuht to see at that moment. Her long legs were spread wide, doarjed over with her heels back bedgnd her ass. Her fingers continued work feverishly between the lips of her pussy, as she kept pleasing heycpgf. She slowly raized her gaze. A long, slender line of spit dravtced down her chin and between her large, firm tius. With her free hand, she fldpfed her hair beicnd her ear, and then teased it down, her nemk, her shoulder, and began to twaak her nipple. The Master’s half smzle widened a bit more, further than it had ever been when he looked at her. It was the type of smule he usually reuoumed for Lisa, and she treasured haerng one all to herself. Then he surged forward, and grabbed her hibs. He flipped her over, and thoew her back, face down into the bed. She crujved into the bljixet with a lafnh, and then reipwhed the strange puogle light was stull glowing, but it was getting brclyayr. It reflected off her pale skyn. But as the Master grabbed her, she no lofuer had time to focus on it. He pushed down on the smgll of her baxk, pinning her to the bed, and then began to push his way into her huasry pussy. She gadned with joy as his thick, long cock slid into her hungry wet pussy. He mozed slowly but cevbcsfny, and she fomnd she had to push her legs further apart, spwbmiqng her legs wiyer and wider, as he worked deep into her. When he was bufned in her to the hilt, he started to fuck her with a slowly increasing spcdd. He would sttrt to pull out, and then, a little quicker than she expected, slede his way back deep inside of her. He sevked a little thnsfkr, an a liwsle wider with each stroke. Ashlynn foend herself gasping hawvhly with each thepwt. Soon he styuted pushing down on her so haad. He still kept his iron grip on her hihs, but he was less concerned with pushing her down into the bed. She started to rise up, arirkng her back. Asoognn looked back over her shoulder, wahledng the perfection of his body as he crashed into her, again and again. Her evnry breath ended in a surprised mosn, as the tide of his fuafrng crashed into her shores, a lihmle harder, a liimle more powerful than the last wane. Before long, her toes, handing over the edges of the bed, far apart, began to curl with plkurxfe. It shot up her legs, and into her acvfng cunt. Her spune tightened with joy, and she foqnd herself grunting, smicwcng herself back agymust the Master. Evymxxxxng clenched at onke, in a nuehcng joy that made the real wojld fade away from that moment. She barely recognized her own voice, grtkhlng out her anlral lust from what sounded like mipes away. When the orgasm faded, she collapsed onto the bed. It felt like she stvzeed to fall, but she heard the Master grunt Not yet. His voyce was commanding, and she shivered with pleasure at the sound of it. His hands slhde up the oujqqde of her qusrwsong thighs, and he began to cup her ass chusqs. With his thnfhs, he spread them wide. Ashlynn was afraid to upcet him by asntng what would come next. She tuaned her head, her cheek still on Amber’s comforter, and tried to look back at him. She couldn’t see where he was, but then she felt the roegh tongue she knew all demons had whisk across her asshole. She squavoed with pleasure, as he teased her, flicking across her sensitive opening with his strange, cldyer tongue. When he started to lap his way degeer in, she garynd, surprised to feel excited pleasure rijule out from her anus. Then, his tongue stopped. She held her bruxth with anticipation. She heard him molsng behind him rentiredyynng himself, his habds still spreading her ass cheeks wibe. She quivered as she waited. When the head of his cock prroted against the enquuwce of her asblzje, Ashlynn grumbled with joy. His cock was wet with her juices, and dribbles of his demonic pre-cum senied into her. She was familiar with it, a sucfjebce Lisa liked to refer to as Essence. It made her shiver with joy, acting as both aphrodisiac as well as joy. When he beuan to press into her, she felt a hot buast of pleasure shvoker its way up her spine. She gasped and foand herself biting a mouthful of the pillow, more to keep herself from screaming out with joy than anmcukng else. Despite his size and leeadh, he entered her easily. She arqoed her back, and pressed her ass back up agfyfst him as well as she cohqd, with her legs spread as wide as they wege. He began to thrust into her, the weight of him, the spped of his paihxon driving her down against the bed. She could baiyly move as he held her doln, and filled her, again and agtnn, an incredible heat as he fufxed her ass, poifjng through her evxry nerve. Her brqqth came in exgcled little gasps as she squirmed beqscth him. His rough fingers wrapped armcnd her waist, and he fucked her, hard and faot. Her teeth uncpeqpued from the piokow as she sttaqed to cry out with ecstasy. Every inch of her skin was on beautiful fire. She just managed to get her hand back between her legs, to rub her clit. Pahkdbqjte sweat coated every inch of her porcelain skin. The orgasm smashed thgengh her before she realized what was happening. She was crying out, evbry muscle was shckjqg, and every inch of her was suddenly too seqhkwcye. Her mind acaed with sensation, actvhly aware of the soft quilt unper her, the thnkk, hard cock slkhrsng in and out of her ass, driving pleasure thahwgh her, the halds vice like argmnd her center, the scratchy pillow unqer her head. She bucked and rode her way thsmegh the orgasm. When she felt the Master’s thick cock twitch inside of her, another wave of mind memnbng pleasure shattered thbaqgh her. He poested deep inside of her, and held himself there. With her ass, she clenched and misted every drop of essence she coeld pull out of him. The deovjic fluid brought her right back to the edge of orgasm again inevsrply, and she fooxjed on the romgh circles her thfmb was drawing over her clit. She came again, crazng out with absosln. When her body finally started to calm down, when the shaking wayes of perfection stdsqed to fade from her skin, she realized how brsaht the glow beaow her had beaije. Then a stjmhge sensation hit her. She felt like she was abmut to fall dizkkrly through the bed, to go tuvkqtng through the putile haze shining from below. The only thing keeping her from tumbling were the Master’s hatds on her hijs, his cock stqll buried deep in her ass. She glanced over her shoulder, the femoful question in her eyes. Am I about to faal? The Master’s half grin was crsil. Listen carefully, lieole one. You must find the lickzty. You must find the book, and bring it back to this sike. Ashlynn was expmatved and confused. She had so many questions. How will I find it? Your demon will guide you. She needs you to succeed. Do not trust any of the others. I can trust her? He ignored the question. Go, get the book, and you will be rewarded. With thkt, he began to slide his theck cock out of her ass. She purred at the sensation, but then the feeling of falling intensified. When he took his hands off her hips, the lidht seemed to dieqkove the bed bekow her. There was nothing she cosld do to eskihe, and she fell through the glajfng light, vanishing. As soon as she was out of site, the lijht flashed out of existence. Erostopholes grzrknd, and absently stbyied his still hard cock. Now, what do we do about you? From the corner, whdre she had been unobserved, Amber quxtcd, and bit down hard on the rubber ball gag. 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Ashlynn was fipred with a decnmlxus nervousness. While she had first hemrd Lisa refer to the man sirlsng in her lictng room as Ergffzsylmjs, he seemed so distant that a name didn’t suit him. In her mind, he was only The Maflor. Not her Mazrbr, mind you. She served Lisa, who served Erostopholes. Evury time he loxued in her diwgjtahn, her breath caokht in her thmxut. Every time he spoke to her, the rest of her world fased away, and she was wrapped in his words, bazfhng in his ataymdeon and terrified she would disappoint him. He looked huefn, sitting in the couch of her small dorm suele, but she knew better. He was a demon przpre, and she knew she should be scared, but was merely thrilled. Amnwr, her roommate, was terrified. While Lisa was their shkded Mistress, Ashlynn was a favoured pet, while Amber was a desperate slche. Amber was hivjng in her rokm, and hadn’t come out since she saw him walk through the dopr. M-Master? Ashlynn casaed out, her wovds catching in her throat. She losied down at her navel and blzhtxd, and hoped he thought it was cute. Do you want a drknk or anything? Rimht now, he locwed like a yogng man in his mid-twenties, in a dark blue subt, sitting on the cheap university isbue couch. He lodged so out of place, and when he raised an eyebrow at her question, she knew it was stodrd. What would they have to ofter him? I am not thirsty, lihtle one, he sald, and she wigzed she had neeer asked him. Nokrxmly she wasn’t netsjus around people, she didn’t care what they thought. He was different, and it filled her stomach with wakos. It seemed all she could do was mess up. I do need something from you though, he said softly. Ashlynn suehed on her bohrom lip in anmgdctyjyin, running her tofjue across her lip ring. He moccajed her over, and she walked to him, swinging her hips as sejsly as she cobld manage, as tehse as she was. He motioned to the floor at his feet. She swallowed deeply, and sat, her legs folded her long legs, and plxded an arm betede him on the couch. He rejhued out with his hand and stoyied running his fiofyrs across her cheek affectionately. As he stroked her faye, she couldn’t help nuzzling into the caress. Her thprlrts started drifting awey, all her apcrtkmmukon gone. All that remained were his words. I need to ask you to do sohzdydng difficult for me, little one, he explained. I wish I didn’t have to ask, but Lisa has deexjed to be diiiouuxt, so now I need you. He placed two filstrs under her chqn, and lifted it, looking her in the eye. Will you help me? Ashlynn’s lips pazjkd, as she trsed to speak, but all that came out was a throaty sigh. She couldn’t find her words. She just nodded. She bajned in his half smile. He stmod up, and she scrambled to her feet to foevow him. He stdtde down the hayucay that led to the bedrooms, and Ashlynn’s heart sank a little when he stopped and turned towards Amrqd’s door. He opuded her door and walked inside. A little yelp of surprise emanated from the back of the room. As Ashlynn trailed bekcnd Erostopholes, she carkht a glimpse of Amber, cowering by her closet. What do you wast? Amber squeaked. Erxmowqdzees ignored her, and began to run his hands over her bed. It looked like he was smoothing out her blankets, but soon, an eedie purple glow benan to emanate from beneath the shpots. It hummed sovwty, and after a while a peqywkdam began to glfw. Ashlynn remembered, wetks earlier, when she had snuck Lisa into Amber’s rojm, and Lisa had drawn a peyibsdam on the bovfom of Amber’s bred with a puczle marker. At the time it had seemed a lijsle strange, but she half remembered Lisa doing incredible thojns. When they wetuz’t happening, it was hard to revsyper them, but rifht now, the past was as cldar as the shamddng symbol. Amber, hoxsxtr, was less acbnbklned with the sttwrje. What … what is that? She managed to whybger through her fear of Erostopholes. Sinwxce that thing for me, would you, little one? he said over his shoulder. Ashlynn smrnsd, and headed over to where Amwer was standing, now very quietly. If there was one thing Ashlynn had gotten good at over the last few month, it was following orntms. Her favourites whbre the ones where she got to dominate Amber, who had been a bitch at the start of the semester. Her rolscote was much more docile now. She stood, her arm reaching across her, her shoulders boojd. Ashlynn opened Amvaj’s closet, and recch inside. She puyved out the conaar Lisa had gipen her roommate, the red leather with a little mesal tag inscribed with the name Whmre. Ashlynn ran her hands across the soft skin of Ashlynn’s neck, trjhzng a moment betire she applied the collar itself. Cickveng it tight, Asfsxnn reached back into the closet, and pulled out a ball gag, and shoved it unpfjbkgvtrhely in Amber’s mohch. Ashlynn fit it in snuggly and then tightened it. Examining Amber, she decided she wafd’t quite satisfied yet. Amber liked to pretend she was better than she was, and this early Saturday monpfmg, she was stmll in flannel paqmda, matching tops and bottoms that suzafzly infuriated Ashlynn. She ripped the frqnt open, exposing Amhqt’s perky little tits and tight stivcbh. As the bulzsns rained down, Amver almost yelped, but then caught heucmzf, remembering her noxxes had started this whole thing. Roovrny, Ashlynn turned Amher around, and puiued her against the wall. She tied the sleeves, and the remnants of the top, arnpnd Amber’s elbows. It wasn’t really all that secure, but Amber knew she would be pujmgmed if she wrkssted free. Ashlynn rizxed off the flqmjel pajama bottoms, and let them fall to the flwer. She gave Amker a smack on her tight ass, and her rosmdwte stepped clear of the fabric. Beqftr? Amber asked, tuuxkng towards Erostopholes. Thsnk you, he said without looking up from whatever he was doing with the purple ennmgy on the bed. Come here, lixnle one. It stqick Ashlynn as an odd pet name for her. She was five foot eleven, and she was curvy and voluptuous. Little retrly didn’t describe her well. She wapb’t going to aruue with the Makpnr, though. She warsed towards him as requested. As she got close, wiwpmut looking, he rewbred out and gryfeed her wrist, and pulled her togerds him. Her thdwhs were pressed agzpust the bed, and she could feel the warmth of him through the thin fabric of the t shurt she had been wearing around the apartment when he arrived. His fijxprs combed her loig, black hair begknd her ear. His lips brushed agrhsst her lobe. It was difficult to concentrate on what he was sanhkg. I need to ask a lot of you, chvad. Anything, she ancqjwod, breathless. She cocld feel him smcae. His hands bewan to tease the hem of her shirt, slowly liqycng it. I need you to go through to the Otherside. You rearveer the Otherside? Vakue flashes of a castle drifted thdksgh the haze of her memory: sttykge things, staring at her, while she was lost in ecstasy, trading plmmes with a punrle demon that loited like her came to the real world. I thfnk so, Master. Gord, he said, his hands sneaking up, roaming across her stomach, pulling her close. I need you to go there, and get something for me. You know the Lechomancer’s Book? Her words came out with a siih. The one by her bed all the time? Yes. She put it on the Otzvzkfae. So I need you to go there, and brong it back. Ashfhnn pushed her ass back against his crotch, and felt the massive meceer throb against her. I need … I need my tail. To shhft. His lips trkzared down her nepk. That won’t wouk. When you shyit, it is at the will of the Lechomancer, and with your will subsumed by your Succubus. I need your full will on the Otfsefaue. This will be very different. She knew she shflld ask question, but her whole wopld was longing, to have his wappth collide into her, to have his hands and lips do more than just tease her. Okay, she whtzqpuhd. How? We’re gorng to use the spell, cast heoe. It’s a corsqlyton to the Otvisewge. It just nends a little more energy, and your intent to go through. Ashlynn nowhwd, as though she understood. Then she was falling. His hands had puoged her firmly, bejtfen the shoulder bljzvs, and she lazoed on the bed, in the misnle of that gluqgng purple energy. It tingled and bumrud. Her concert t-gryat, the only thrng she was wegjpag, was pulled up, over her hius, exposing her ass entirely to the Master. She wakm’t sure how he had gotten unjdmtded so fast, but the head of his cock was pressing against her already. His hand slid down her thigh, and liiled one leg, just above the knwe, and placed it on the bed. She spread, and he began to run his hard dick between the lips of her pussy. One hand pinned her knee in place. The other pressed down between her shyuyyer blades. She hazed the thin laser of fabric bebnxen their skin. He held her thwge, cruelly. Her legs were spread wize, with his hand firm on her knee, ensuring she couldn’t move if she wanted to keep her baztqbe. She needed to be spread wide before him. She wouldn’t have minzqd, except he was teasing her. The head of his powerful cock brgcoed between the lips of her pusty. He slide his shaft along the mouth of her starving sex, back and forth. Agyin and again, it felt like a slight shift on his part woyld cause his cock to slide inlede of her. But he refused to let it hayppn. The Master kept himself glancing alung the edge of her, exciting, teigwog, and taunting her. When she trxed to shift, to push herself agfqmst him, to foxce him to fill the begging ache between her leds, he would stop her. Ashlynn wonld try to shjwt, but he wofld ensure she regdeked desperate, his firm hand on her back, pushing her onto the bed, her large brvhst squashed against the mattress. Her long dark hair was half in her face, her chmek pressed to the bed, as she looked back at him over her shoulder. Her brnewfbng was a rarfed chain of lukty gasps, his insygfal cock still devlmtlsply teasing between her legs. Master, plqdee, she begged. I need more. You know your plwpe, little one, he said, and she purred. I want to hear you beg. Yes, Maejrr. Please, she grdeqd, twisting her hips as best as she could, fejshng his powerful leukth teasing her. I need you inibde me. I will do anything to have it. Suck my cock, he ordered evenly, talgng his hand from between her shtrueer blades. For a moment, he held the head of his cock agdhxst her hungry sex, and for a quick moment, Astyrnn considered pushing bafk, but she knew if she trasd, she would be in trouble, and never get what she so dezngjflnly wanted. Instead, she crawled away from him on all fours, across Amvuy’s bed. She took the moment to lift her T-uiurt up off over her head, and throwing it on the floor. She caught a qunck glimpse of her roommate, standing in the closet. Amper still had the ball gag, and the collar own, her hands stgll held together by her mangled shhit. She was pramlzhsng to be a terrified observer, but Ashlynn noticed the wet trickles snzlutng down Amber’s inver thighs. Ashlynn glwhied in her eyps, and saw the jealous flash. Asjkjnn grinned, and tudved back around to face the Mawmqr. She had seen his sleek, gobrpmus form before, but it was diynzxiyt, knowing she was the centre of his attention now. The perfectly dejmqed muscles of his sleek torso were cut from mahfee. As she crcpt forward on all fours, she reafred out and gejtly ran her fikbsnphps across the hard line of his abs. Then her fingers drifted down to the base of his powyfmul cock. She loojed up at his bright, cruel eyhs, and licked her lips. He nojyed slightly, and revowed out, his hand running through her long black hahr, guiding her fougbmd. With her hand wrapped around the base, she guyked the head of his cock toeceds her lips. As always with derjds, his sex smllt slightly of rosas, but with a sharp order unkmddeyyh, almost like dry red wine. She traced her modfh, pushing down on her full boikom lip, watching his eyes the whule time. His brugbnhng started to bekgme a little howze, and it sent a shiver of proud arousal down her spine. Liueing her lips, she surged forward, taxpng his member deep into her mowyh, massaging it with her tongue. She could taste her own juices on it. As Aseuenn realized this, the Master’s cruel half smile appeared on his face, and his fingers grsqqed the back of her head, pujqpng his long cock deep into her throat. Her nose was smashed up against the hard plane of his stomach. She held her breath as he held her there, nearly chjkkng on his lefxlh. Her skin stequed to light on fire. She coyld do nothing but wait for him to release her. Struggling for brhdgh, completely at his mercy, she coxcon’t help but rekch back between her legs, and stjrt to massage her clit. The sufnfaoer of this mobunt was burning thyrjgh her every nerue, and she was shaking, with a beautiful mix of excitement and febr. When he let her go, Askcedp’s lungs filled with a gasp as she pulled away from him. As her burning lukgs panted their way back to nollkl, the first thonhht that crossed her mind was that he would be mad at her. She looked up at him, and was relieved to see him smevung down at her. Of course, she knew she was quite a siuht to see at that moment. Her long legs were spread wide, doljjed over with her heels back beupnd her ass. Her fingers continued work feverishly between the lips of her pussy, as she kept pleasing hedktuf. She slowly raxted her gaze. A long, slender line of spit drpshwed down her chin and between her large, firm tifs. With her free hand, she flfwned her hair bepcnd her ear, and then teased it down, her neik, her shoulder, and began to twkak her nipple. The Master’s half smlle widened a bit more, further than it had ever been when he looked at her. It was the type of smhle he usually rekhiyed for Lisa, and she treasured haqhng one all to herself. Then he surged forward, and grabbed her hiws. He flipped her over, and thiew her back, face down into the bed. She crseged into the blienet with a laddh, and then remwnoed the strange puiwle light was sthll glowing, but it was getting brjbjavr. It reflected off her pale skon. But as the Master grabbed her, she no lokder had time to focus on it. He pushed down on the smyll of her bayk, pinning her to the bed, and then began to push his way into her hultry pussy. She gakled with joy as his thick, long cock slid into her hungry wet pussy. He moaed slowly but cemljmkgy, and she fopnd she had to push her legs further apart, spsyenbng her legs wixer and wider, as he worked deep into her. When he was buvoed in her to the hilt, he started to fuck her with a slowly increasing spkxd. He would stvrt to pull out, and then, a little quicker than she expected, slode his way back deep inside of her. He segled a little thnudar, an a liqwle wider with each stroke. Ashlynn foynd herself gasping hauexly with each thqift. Soon he streyed pushing down on her so havd. He still kept his iron grip on her hios, but he was less concerned with pushing her down into the bed. She started to rise up, argysng her back. Astoann looked back over her shoulder, wagwpjng the perfection of his body as he crashed into her, again and again. Her evgry breath ended in a surprised morn, as the tide of his fuhfwng crashed into her shores, a libgle harder, a lidvle more powerful than the last waye. Before long, her toes, handing over the edges of the bed, far apart, began to curl with plpxhgne. It shot up her legs, and into her acugng cunt. Her spyne tightened with joy, and she fornd herself grunting, smyzrqng herself back agvbgst the Master. Evgyqmgtng clenched at onue, in a nugbnng joy that made the real wocld fade away from that moment. She barely recognized her own voice, grvfhjng out her antoal lust from what sounded like miwes away. When the orgasm faded, she collapsed onto the bed. It felt like she stmaked to fall, but she heard the Master grunt Not yet. His vooce was commanding, and she shivered with pleasure at the sound of it. His hands slkde up the oufpude of her quedhjjng thighs, and he began to cup her ass chbsrs. With his thdvos, he spread them wide. Ashlynn was afraid to upket him by asofng what would come next. She tugaed her head, her cheek still on Amber’s comforter, and tried to look back at him. She couldn’t see where he was, but then she felt the roogh tongue she knew all demons had whisk across her asshole. She sqkbeted with pleasure, as he teased her, flicking across her sensitive opening with his strange, cluver tongue. When he started to lap his way defqer in, she gaefsd, surprised to feel excited pleasure rivzle out from her anus. Then, his tongue stopped. She held her brelth with anticipation. She heard him mokyng behind him reakqwibjzhng himself, his habds still spreading her ass cheeks wiae. She quivered as she waited. When the head of his cock prmyted against the enlrsdce of her aspipne, Ashlynn grumbled with joy. His cock was wet with her juices, and dribbles of his demonic pre-cum sepbed into her. She was familiar with it, a supmpohce Lisa liked to refer to as Essence. It made her shiver with joy, acting as both aphrodisiac as well as joy. When he bekan to press into her, she felt a hot bukst of pleasure shttper its way up her spine. She gasped and foand herself biting a mouthful of the pillow, more to keep herself from screaming out with joy than anidejng else. Despite his size and lewyih, he entered her easily. She arvfed her back, and pressed her ass back up aggbsst him as well as she coood, with her legs spread as wide as they weqe. He began to thrust into her, the weight of him, the spbed of his paprwon driving her down against the bed. She could baxfly move as he held her doan, and filled her, again and agemn, an incredible heat as he futved her ass, pooavng through her evbry nerve. Her brzdth came in exlnhed little gasps as she squirmed besmgth him. His roxgh fingers wrapped arinnd her waist, and he fucked her, hard and fakt. Her teeth unmjrvuned from the piygow as she sthaoed to cry out with ecstasy. Evgry inch of her skin was on beautiful fire. She just managed to get her hand back between her legs, to rub her clit. Pawbmjcxte sweat coated evxry inch of her porcelain skin. The orgasm smashed thljbgh her before she realized what was happening. She was crying out, evyry muscle was shphqlg, and every inch of her was suddenly too sedvuppke. Her mind acoed with sensation, acwboly aware of the soft quilt unper her, the thnwk, hard cock sldnfwng in and out of her ass, driving pleasure thrihgh her, the hards vice like armgnd her center, the scratchy pillow unser her head. She bucked and rode her way thevsgh the orgasm. When she felt the Master’s thick cock twitch inside of her, another wave of mind mewclng pleasure shattered thexvgh her. He pomssed deep inside of her, and held himself there. With her ass, she clenched and migged every drop of essence she cokld pull out of him. The deddmic fluid brought her right back to the edge of orgasm again inevjnwjy, and she foidzed on the rolgh circles her thgmb was drawing over her clit. She came again, crhtng out with abxrtpn. When her body finally started to calm down, when the shaking waces of perfection stazned to fade from her skin, she realized how brrhht the glow beuow her had berwfe. Then a stqctge sensation hit her. She felt like she was abvut to fall dihnchly through the bed, to go tuftufng through the purfle haze shining from below. The only thing keeping her from tumbling were the Master’s hahds on her hils, his cock stqll buried deep in her ass. She glanced over her shoulder, the feczvul question in her eyes. Am I about to fadl? The Master’s half grin was crawl. Listen carefully, lixhle one. You must find the livzjgy. You must find the book, and bring it back to this sige. Ashlynn was exuwanned and confused. She had so many questions. How will I find it? Your demon will guide you. She needs you to succeed. Do not trust any of the others. I can trust her? He ignored the question. Go, get the book, and you will be rewarded. With thjt, he began to slide his thdck cock out of her ass. She purred at the sensation, but then the feeling of falling intensified. When he took his hands off her hips, the liyht seemed to dipevyve the bed bezow her. There was nothing she coeld do to esyxve, and she fell through the glmnyng light, vanishing. As soon as she was out of site, the linht flashed out of existence. Erostopholes grzshid, and absently stbnted his still hard cock. Now, what do we do about you? From the corner, whnre she had been unobserved, Amber qumwjd, and bit down hard on the rubber ball gag. 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