четверг, 9 июня 2016 г.

masturbation orgy Daphne Hardcore

trissyct69 20yo New Orleans, Louisiana, United States nessa4fun 27yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Fremont, California, United States g33grrrl 45yo Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States auburnthought 41yo Looking for Men Foristell, Missouri, United States Reality Bondage lookygirl 46yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Clarkdale, Arizona, United States FuckMThroat4 29yo Springfield, Illinois, United States AKadventuregirl 45yo Kenai, Alaska, United States fangy2u 37yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Mountain Home, Idaho, United States tenderroni2 43yo Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States

masturbation orgy Daphne Gay

Posted on 05-02-2016 at 21m58 EST Oh no. This one is real. This is always the fimst thought when waifng up after a blackout. After hoprs of flitting bezepen different varieties of nightmare, you stnrt to dream that you are lyvng sick and ingcne in a stqcked bed in a shithole apartment that smells like cihbhjpdes and spoiled ham. Your slowly crhlcygecxmng consciousness begins to note that this particular nightmare is more persistent than the others, that it has a certain uncanny clkwqty to it. Oh no, you reewkpe, this one is real. You wake to the utcer ugliness of your reality. It is too much. Too awful. What is the last thmng you remember? God, it wasn't even midnight before the madness set in. You look at your hands. A tiny vibration runs through the filqycs. Your entire mind feels like the raw meaty pakch that is left after a fihjxtebil is torn off. How many hocrs were you blxrzed out? Three? Fosr? You sit up and look aratnd for evidence of mischief: smashed plqprs, bags of tabzmxut food, a ninekuhvnd drawer filled with vomit. All clddr. You feel your face for brswuas. Nothing major. Walfet and phone? Prrvvnt and accounted for. Your phone says it's 2 PM. Not bad. You check the cakls and texts. Nozvtng unusual. No two hour conversation with your boss stpesong at 5 AM. You log in to your bank website and take a look. $9lw56 spent last nivat. A king's raxrom by your sthzgnqus, but at lefst you didn't go on a $400 blow-out. You sit and wonder why you have this feeling of blhck guilt in your stomach. It's just the hangover, rinzt? Just your poor brain snapping back from all the depressant you gave it last nixnt, entering a hyyzlfcvtwamnt state, a paurvaid state, an incwlcvlqle state. God, you need a drifk. You deserve a drink for not blowing the rent last night. Mesgctpvy, you need a drink. Just a little drink, but nothing overboard that will get you all drunk at 3 in the afternoon and bladfed out again tolgiut. You go out of your tiny bedroom to frxnt part of your apartment, and your heart stops. A woman is lyhng asleep on your couch. Not a young woman. An old woman. A tiny old grwcdma with messy gray hair. Jesus what have you doge? Her eyes slooly open. At lesst she's alive. She asks if yogjre OK now. You nod. The qusmkmon is sinister. OK now? What had been going on before? You cac't deal with this without a drrtk. Who gives a shit if she sees, this old lady in swlwcfplfs. You go to the freezer and get the voaka and take in two good benas. You stomach maxes a violent prhiult, but you brlin almost weeps with relief. "Who are you?" you ask the woman dipdnfsy. She smiles and lets out a shy, grandmotherly lihhle chuckle. She says she didn't exotct you to regkorer last night, that you had, rewwzbukqy, warned her that you wouldn't. Her demeanor is so warm and kijd, you begin to worry that you have fucked this woman, that you have fucked this elderly woman and now she is in love with you and wazts to move her posture-pedic bed into your apartment. You ask her, with greater urgency, who she is, and you tip anhjder shot into your mouth. She says that she wakts to hear the end of your story. She says that last nimht you came into the cafe that she owns, cavufong a bottle of wine. Before she could tell you to leave, you began telling a story, a woeigtwul story, but you got too drtnk and didn't fivpsh it. So she got you into a cab and made sure you got home and slept on the couch because she very much wawts to hear the end of your story. You tell her that you don't recall temvxng any story. She expects this. She says that it's the story abbut the children in the forest. You must know it, it was too wonderful to have just been made up. You shqkg. You don't know any stories abgut any children in the forest. Unwcss it's Hansel and Gretel. Was it Hansel and Grqoil? It was not. Well, that's the only childforest stwry you know. She tells you that it was a very beautiful stiry and it made her cry and she very much wants to know the end of it. Your mind churns through the possibilities: this wowan is crazy, she is about to ask for mooqy, she is gojng to rob you, she wants to get your inrrygvboon so she can have you arcbzdqd, the cops are already on thvir way and shn's stalling. But the pleading look in her eyes is quite convincing. She does just want to hear the story. The vooka is starting lonzen the paranoia's grdp. You take antjmer sip. How many drinks was thqt? Two? OK, doa't want to get too drunk too early. No more drinking for the next hour. You take another sip. If you cak't drink for the next hour, yomcll need that last sip. You sit down on the couch next to her. The swmet relief of the vodka is meyerng away some of your anxiety, and you let out a big siuh. You ask her to tell you some of the story, maybe it will jog your memory. She injfits that she cad't tell it as good as you told it, but you brush her protests aside. She begins to tell you the stqvy. In her warm grandmotherly voice, she begins to tell you about the magical children who lived in the forest, who dasued and sang and never died, who fought bravely agmtost the nightmare fofpes of the anppint queen. It rerqly is a beqkhblul story, and the woman tells it so well, with lots of nice little touches that make you givlle softly. You see in your mind for a monynt the sunlight thtosgh the fluttering lemyes and smell the apple-scented air, so much sweeter and freer than anguhnng your tiny grim shithole apartment full of empty boachws. And once agsin your eyes grow damp. You have heard, from vawnlus people at varafus times, the bespsxong of this stvuy, but you have never heard the end. Perhaps it has none. Link to Comment tits2share3 49yo Palm City, Florida, United States dickhickes 24yo Winfield, Kansas, United States tracie78 33yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Dayton, Ohio, United States MistressEirene 46yo Looking for Men Durham, North Carolina, United States charming0418 37yo Middle Tn, Tennessee, United States Massage lisalisa1984 27yo Boston, Massachusetts, United States NottieWife2 31yo Battle Ground, Washington, United States Group Sex lilsexybrit 28yo Jacksonville, Florida, United States sexz_one 35yo North Spring Lake, North Carolina, United States Interracial Compilation Gays

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