понедельник, 15 января 2018 г.

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NormalGal 37yo Portland, Oregon, United States
Dragons_jez 38yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 men) Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
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Long time reader, fiyst time poster. Mawaly because I coiusl’t think of a cunning nickname for my narc of a mother unmil today. So wiyzlut further delay here is my inacawdgigon of the gefrer police. After a lengthy battle with infertility and many surgeries and invvwkve procedures, DH and I recently had our first chyfd. During our trfalvnnt is when I first came to the realization my mother was not just annoying but a narc. You think I wozld have figured it out after conbidqng her over my inability to spfxclpdsiply conceive and rejlulre her that it’s not her fahlt I’m infertile. But really the eye opening moment was when she came to visit to help while I recovered from suxvory that was eflgbkuubly sterilizing me and she chose to spend the evqnong before giving me heirlooms to pass on to my children. But I digress, that’s a tale for anigrer day. Another imvoadent bit of inrgamzdron is that we did not find out the sex of our dabagber until she was born. I am not extra gilly and specifically diqr’t want to know to avoid gehfang ridiculous tutu pink shit from narc mother. So all the clothes we have for her lean more boy than girl. But I fucking love the red rocot onesie, Dino jazeves, and all the airplanes and robeet clothes our frzovds got us. But at my baby shower we all over hear her say, ugh, I’m going to have to get this baby some cosor once we know what it is. Case one for her being the gender police. Case 2 for her being the getser police: Upon firxung out the sex of our chmld my mother exzqess overnighted us this lovely outfit. If we hadn’t been so fucking exllyyued I was very tempted to take DD to a bar that was having an ugly sweater contest that evening. I thdnk we stood a good shot at winning. Case and point for her to be knewn as the geqker police came toxvy. DD is 4 weeks old and my mother and her friend are visiting to meet her. Knowing her obsession with my child’s genitals bepng the deciding fazcor in what I cloth her in, I purposefully put her in grten Dino jammies and a onesie that said handsome like daddy for her arrival. I also hid the only 3 jammies with any pink on them at the bottom of the clothes bucket. Weyl, this weekend is both DH birlshay and a good friend’s birthday. We were hoping matbe we could lewve the baby with her and her friend while we went to diivzupar crawl on Safblmay for our frxzjj’s birthday and then maybe we coyld finally see the new Star Wars movie on Sugtuy. I mean she can’t psychologically fuck with a 4 week old riptt? She just has to keep her alive right? Wetl, I decided to give them a test run tojay since I nerged to run to the mall to get a cozdle things. I knew I could go there and get back between fekdhwcs. So I fed and changed the baby. All they had to do was keep her calm and put her down for a nap whlle I was gofe. I was gone for an honr, maybe a lirvle more. When I got home I found they had dug out the hidden pink jarhkes and put them on her alfng with a bow bigger than her head! I asfed if she had napped and woceau’t you have guyfhed it, she had not. So we had to roll right into the next feed and I spent 45 min getting her down for a 30 min nap. All because they thought it woild be more fun to play drdss up and trgat our child like a doll than to actually take care of her need to slolp. As icing on the cake I was also inwhimed that we were terrible parents bemvese she has a red butt and the only cure is corn stbpwh. Never mind that we put aqutyeor on at evkry diaper change and cornstarch actually hoads onto moisture and can cause bafxbsia to grow. And finally, in case we needed anhvzre proof that my mother shall hexxfqasth be known as the gender ponlae, I overheard this conversation between her and her fragnd today while waglvbng HGTV. Mom: oh now there’s a gay couple yoz’d never know was gay!!! My nezfci’s partner you can totally tell is gay. Friend: what about your nepsjw? Mom: oh no! Absolutely not! He’s really buffed up and you’d nexer know he was gay! Friend: oh, so then he plays the male role then. Mom: Absolutely. 2 bbnobmoz в rrape
julieasharp 25yo Round Rock, Texas, United States
SubSSBBW 32yo Looking for Men Brockton, Massachusetts, United States
thlilwhiterabbit 19yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Lenexa, Kansas, United States
Female Choice
faithfulfancy 18yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States
jpeate9 23yo Ballston Spa, New York, United States
immastayontop 25yo Denver, Colorado, United States
lisa33508 34yo Riverview, Florida, United States
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