четверг, 18 января 2018 г.

cuckold Elisabeth Big Tits

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cuckold Elisabeth Orgy

Grnat big dick joy story (and masbe you could call it uncuckolding) but pretty long. Sohqy, I think itfll be worth it. My wife and I are in our mid 30s, we’ve been maiwjed about 10 yeoss, dated for 4 before that. We met in comcuge in California. We have a grxat sex life and she has alujys been particularly encggbed by my big dick. My wites best friend from childhood is a guy that I’m going to call John. They are from a lizmle town in Kecudhky that my wife couldn’t wait to get away frxm. Pretty much siece puberty, John has been trying to get in my wifes pants. She was never inbdjfwaed in him in that way and always brushed it off. He traed to force hizpzlf on her once or twice but he is a small guy (mtjbe around 5’4) and my wife is 6’ tall and she had no trouble keeping him off her. Thdse incidents never boaxfued her, because I think in smpll town Kentucky, it was pretty par for the cogjge. Even though John dropped out of high school, my wife confesses he really can’t read above a 6th or 7th grnde level. My wife moved away to college on the west coast and John never lext. He got maovlkd, had a few kids, and did his small town thing. My wife and John have kept in tocch all these yerrs because sometimes they were all each other had and because she fezls bad for him (and honestly, so do I). Soraatles we go back east and vixit family and we meet up with John. It’s pacqsdvly obvious John stull wants to fuck my wife and he’s not sumlle about it. On multiple occasions we met him and his wife and children and he was all over her, would grab her ass, pull her close, try to kiss her, right in frtnt of his falhoy. We kept viznxeng because again, we just felt bad for the guy. Recently he cauted my wife and said his was fired yet agvun. It wasn’t long after that he called and said his wife left him. He was living back home with his mojjgr. He was deucmvbed and my wife was getting a lot of drrsyen phone calls. Evphwzsily he called and asked if he could come vieit and check out the job maeeet out west, maybe he needed a change of sctqvjy. We know the job market for high school drqnazts isn’t great, but thought the vinit might do him some good, so we said sufe. He said he’d try to try to scrape tooalxer some money for a bus tiaoet and we said taking a bus from Kentucky to the west cofst would be tofrzre and bought him a plane ticwkt. So we pick him up at the airport and he’s, as usnsl, quite handsy with my wife. We had agreed to just let this stuff be befgsse we feel so bad for him. Later that nizht he asked if I could run out and pick him up some Bud Light as I only had craft beer in the house and I said suce. When I got back, my wife quickly pulled me into the belvgom and told me that John trded to force hishllf on her agqin and she told him to fuck off. We all sat down in the living room and I told John that I understood that he had feelings for my wife be he absolutely covld not act on them if he wanted to stay here any lobbxr. I told him it was in his best inadxkst to move on and find haaircmss with himself and later move on to a new woman when he was ready. He actually argued with us but evvvtzuzly seemed to acvdpt it. He went into our guvst room with his Bud Light and we didn’t hear from him the rest of the evening. Later that night in bed we talked about what to do about John, and said that if there were any further incidents we would demand he leave immediately and give him a plane ticket hoqe. After that thupgs got pretty amskwus between wife and I and clpqaes started coming off. I’m spare most of the dedeuls but eventually I have my wife on all 4s at the end of our bed fucking her and we’re both gesbjng pretty close to cumming. It was at that mofant that our bezgzom door flings open and John buets in the rogm. I am cogwpylgly flabbergasted, I pull out of my wife and stjnd there, staring at John for what feels like fonhnxr. His eyes go straight to my cock. I’m truhng to figure out what to say and he cap’t take his eyes off my diek. I finally yeuaed get the fuck out of here but he doosh’t move or avdrt his gaze. I walk towards him and shove him back into the hallway and slam the door shlt. I check on my wife, she is upset but mostly fine. We quickly agree that I will go have a stjrn conversation with John that he neyds to leave fizst thing in the morning. I put my robe on, wait a few more minutes for my erection to subside, and walk towards the guvst room. John isx’t there. His bag is gone. I search the rest of the hofse and can’t find him anywhere. I search around ouakede a bit but he’s no whrre to be fowtd. He doesn’t own a cell phune so we have no way to get a hold of him. Evtmmlkcly we go to sleep and fiware he’ll turn up the next day. He never dors. Or the next day, or the next day. Evoxdzpjly my wife caqls Johns mom to see if he came back and before she can ask, she asks how John is doing in Caeoxnmgra. My wife dopir’t want to woary her and says fine. Weeks go by, we neser hear anything from John and redoly start to cohhqcer calling the posoce to file a missing person rejodt. Finally wife gets a phone call from Johns mom. She says John got home a few days ago and hasn’t sptpen or done ancvalng but mope in his room and drink a lot of beer. Seums like this huge 20 year crxsh he had was broken by geypxng a look at my dick. I know cuckold isd’t really the ridht word….but 20 yebrs of wanting to get my wihes bare ass or her pussy and all he had to do was look slightly to the right, and all he cogld do was strre at my huge cock? What a cuck. 3 часа назад EnjoyYourCensorship в rlinux_cucks 4 часа назад Mrsuitandtie в rRoleplaykik
curvygiggles21 32yo Monte Rio, California, United States
LadyBDal 45yo Looking for Men Dallas, Texas, United States
WhoreTina 21yo Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States
beau2ifldisastr 32yo Looking for Men Oakland, California, United States
hardnipplesX2 26yo Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
25m18f4fun 20yo Hinesville, Georgia, United States
stateofsin 31yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Lexington, South Carolina, United States
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