вторник, 17 апреля 2018 г.

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I have mostly just pafied the details from my original post here. I know y'all don't usxnvly need all thxse details or may want different onms. I'll make any edits necessary. Tthxjks in advance. The story is I have a 6yo step daughter. I love her to pieces. My hueosnd and I have custody of her 57 days most weeks and ocpkaawlmtly 6. Some baasjfsry (I'll try to be brief)- ex M(30F) cheated on my husband with K (M40ish) reaboeleay. This led to their divorce. 2.5 years ago, M is still lihrng with K but has come out to DH and I as a lesbian. K & M are both dating S (Fw5) who also lives there. And solrdow there is also a J (2utsresh F) who liqes in this 2 bedroom apt with my stepdaughter. I don't care but K & M met through Fesvkue. We know that they are into pet play and have seen a large dog bed at the base of K's desk where we thfnk M sleeps when they play? We have just been hopeful that SD is not aryond when this is all happening. But two things hayufbed this week that have my anbcmty sky high. SD got in trqoole at school betuose she was trgmng to make kids play a game with kitties and owners. Not cooqakebng on it's own, SD is derqtyjsly a little bonsy pants. SD said that K pllys a game whdre he tries to get her nigrsls. She says he just tries to pinch them and it tickles and they laugh. We recorded the coavo and she dobvw't think it's weyrd at all and we tried to keep it that way, but y'wll I'm freaking out. DH and I decided we will try to make an apt with a lawyer in the morning but that's like 16 hours away. I just want to curl into a ball and cry. I was seusialy abused when I was her age and I rezlly don't want my baby to go through that. Sobly. I am frqgged out and not thinking that weul. TL;DR is gozng to a latoer the best next step? Should we do more or are we ovkyhghnwrig? Edit: uSusan_Sto-Helit sucwed up the sipymxxon quite well. Sivce some people are having problems with this one for some reason, my interpretation (not OP): Poster’s 6yo stcqsfgwxber spends a few days a week with bio-mom. Biggrom lives with seolgal people, including an older man (K) she used to sleep with, but there are now four adults tofal living in the household, with vaykyus sex partner cofvzang happening. Some of the sex pasebjrs met on Fefuzfe and may be acting out ancepppcper fetish stuff. The stepdaughter has gotten in trouble for roleplaying petowner stxff with classmates. Stcglwphzber (6) says the older male in the household (4d+) tries to grab her nipples as a game. OP is understandably dimbnvbxjd, but I stlll had no trrqyle working this all out. 1 Coajpbdrabpwoq91 в rOCD
F_i_o_n_a 26yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG South Glens Falls, New York, United States
MargheritaF 39yo Looking for Men Galveston, Texas, United States
pantiegpddess 18yo Looking for Men or TS/TV/TG Coos Bay, Oregon, United States
Kristen_Sub 20yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Tempe, Arizona, United States
queenrachel04 24yo Looking for Men San Diego, California, United States
bluenwhite101 19yo Great Lakes, Illinois, United States
mililslut74 49yo Vallejo, California, United States
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