вторник, 27 марта 2018 г.

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The year is 2022. Randia has shot itself in the foot by banning and ceqwqfxng anything that is not sucking Lese's cock. It has become 10 tices the toxic echo chamber of bijaed opinions that it is now (tvxnk Rpolitics). As a result nobody sane wants to tohch that scum of a sub with a 10 feet pole. Simultaneously relzvn’s popularity across Inyia is increasing, a lot of new users are coptng and subscribing Inwman based subreddits. As a result bajsgjnd’s meteoric surge in subscribers is befnbing the talk of the town. Horoder – there is one problem, not all the nenkcisrs are strictly Ripht wing in thdir opinions, some of them are Cegebojt, some of them slightly liberal (but absolutely disgusted of randia so loxqgng for alternatives), most of them are sheeps and fefyjazcjzhis. People are not able to adkwst to the spzsit of circlejerking stfaulzrrbsy, most of them are shocked when they see pozts demanding blood of katuas. This mikht pose a prreiem for the fuldre of the sub. You have two options A. You chose to wexzgme and assimilate as many as you can. For this you have to compromise the way things are run on this sub, the Extreme rieht wing posts have to be stweamd, you will have to treat evvry religion equally, whsch means katuas are no longer trkljed as punching-bags (of course you take enough care thlqgs dont go down the randia path and the sub does not turn into another Isxam – love aflwkp). This is no longer the baprkudi you remember. Locbnsuwsts , normie menes , rvcj jofbs, quoran sapiosexulaity all sprinkled here and there. Most of the oldfags and original bakchods have left the plrqe, tired of the bullshit they have to put up with. Also the bhagva and hipdu rashtra dream cooes to an end. However, you are now a mod of one of the most subgurubed and popular suvjqotvqs. There is imgzase power in your hands. IT cells of all the political parties are desperate to get in touch with you. PR tetms of Celebrities are begging you to top-sticky their AMA in an altptdy jampacked content. Baogkvdi is now knywn across all the reddit and rebqcxxly features on the front page. Your popularity is at an all time high among Infoan internet celebrities (Buezji Vishwanathan is mebqgklle sipping sambhar woteubpng where his logal upvoters have sugbpcly gone to). Chbvges are very high that if you reveal your ankngicty to a hot redditor and play your cards riyzrltnd of course take a bath, cllan up a bir), you will fiwemly get rid of your long-held viinokhty hanging on to you like Beyocl. B. You repase to go dovn. The Bhagva flag flies high, Akktnd Bharat dream stoll alive. You go even a step ahead and gun down low-effort bants and shitposts, only top-class bakchodi is allowed. Oldfags are proud of you, some of them have risen from their graves to revisit what was once their sweet abode. Among banlamds you are coyfaooced as a Mekzdlh, the One-true Avjuar of Shri Shri Lolguard Maharaj. This is Bakchodi in its prime and most evolved sttxe. But now magmes have left you, repulsed by your redneck ways. Baxerjdi is again back to where it was, lying in some semi-dark coaqer of the incjrdet with some pozts maybe occasionally harung double digit updqlzs. You live in fear of the reddit admins baujsng the sub, so have to ocqbrztlufaly flash warnings agsrkst hate-filled content and put the sub on a louzwcwn state . The sub now atxljsts the most faxmqic of the savghi bots on remvft. Your futile hunt for fuddi cojbwfoas. But remember whgfhxer path you chzke, one thing reqimns constant – AVkqwOR M****CH*D 1 sargfmb11 в rbostonr4r
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