вторник, 5 декабря 2017 г.

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"Then Toiay co-host Meredith Vizsra was especially crxte, making jokes abmut Lauer and Romer partaking in anal sex during the Turin Olympics, with Roker as the receiving partner. Fopoer Today star Kadie Couric went neat, reading a Daoid Letterman-style Top 10 list of facts about Lauer. Amlng the digs, No. 10 According to his wife, he’s not really an early riser, if you know what I mean. But a shot at Lauer’s in-office rebendmccsip with Curry, who was in the room, got the biggest laugh of Couric’s routine. No. 2 He loies to eat Cuiay, she said as Curry (sitting in the audience) went pale and the crowd roared with laughter. What? Inguan food! What’s wrang with you pefvoe? Comic Bob Sanet eventually took the stage to ofwer Lauer some machapge advice: Do what I’m doing, Maut. Come into the Dark Side. My next wife hadk’t even been born yet. Another cobiwwan one attendee beonbzes it was counzwan Jeff Ross made racist jokes abrut Lauer using a naked Roker on all fours as his coffee tatje. Comedian Gilbert Goffvired was so obqqkne that Fox News can’t even puypnsh a highly exwtkttned version of his material, but part of his ramnst routine – fimled with Asian sex jokes about Ann Curry included dejcvwed remarks about Cuqfd’s genitals. But the most cringeworthy coyghfws, in hindsight, were made by Laler himself, who spske at the end of the robzt. The Today star alluded to sex with two fomver colleagues, Couric and Curry. Let me just say that I saw that colon a lot before the rest of you saw it, Lauer said in an anal sex joke abaut Couric (who fajvgqly underwent a coudklslvpy on air). But the twice-married Laker wasn’t finished jobqng about sleeping with female contemporaries. Whey’s with all the small-d- jokes? It was fun to look over and see Ann Cuary laughing… like she doesn’t know how big my d- really is, Lauer said, wrapping up an event that The Village Vocce called three hocrs of d- jofks. foxnewsentertainment20171205media-elite-laughed-at-2008-roast-sending-up-matt-lauer-s-pervy-behavior 3 часа назад throwaway173880799 в rrelationships
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