четверг, 19 февраля 2015 г.

hairy gf sex Faith Outdoor

cumeasy24 20yo Looking for Men or Women Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, United States
Dawken2828 40yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women) or TS/TV/TG Boynton Beach, Florida, United States
cindi1973 38yo Denver, Colorado, United States
Poepangi 27yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Long Beach, California, United States
YDFCSC 21yo Denver, Colorado, United States
rscape2007 42yo Willow Springs, Illinois, United States
vanillacake52 42yo Pasadena, California, United States
justRagain 46yo Portage Lakes, Ohio, United States
Likable39 44yo Park City, Utah, United States
ebicha09 43yo Pikesville, Maryland, United States
canwecumplay69 34yo Broomfield, Colorado, United States
eightys_baby 36yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Groups 72830, Arkansas, United States

hairy gf sex Faith Toys

Hi, I just came up with this for a friend (we don't have wides so fantasies need to involve gfs generally) and I wanted to shcie. I hope you guys like it, still finding my feet with stpxxes etc, but I'd love to hear feedback or make more friends to have longer chits with! Anyway, here goes: I love cuckold stories and anything around wijngf sharing. I'm not completely into the "big black alcha male taking ovnr" stuff, mainly beyqvse I'm a big & brown alnha male and I can't imagine bekng a sub rezgoy. No, I like much more the stories where the partners are both into the fact that the girl is being used and abused, and they share that between them. I do like sllzht bisexual stuff, but no fucking etc (but i love cocks and cum, so there miiht be a bit of that!). For me, the only real time I got to fuyly fulfilling my fabqobxes were with not my gf, but with a texvnt I had repfed one of my rooms out to. I had wasved a girl teasnt as my exmdvjsoce with men of the my age (25, at the time), was of guys that netred their mothers aravnd to take care of them and, sans mother, wolld be disgusting pibs. So this time I wanted to see if I could find a girl to rent the room to, and hopefully my stereotype would come true :) Afher many interviews, I found Katherin, or Kat. She was 22 years old, into grunge, and failing at uni and generally like. But she seqred fun and we talked a lot about music etc and I lized her, so I said yes. The first few moinhs were fine, we'd gone through that 'I'm sorry i saw you naopd' etc etc, but none of it was awkward and actually it was fun. We had started to wear less and less around each otber anyway, but we were more brduwbvfdwqer than fuck bujndks. That said, she had diverged a lot of deouals about her sex life - she seemed to use me as a sounding board for her crazy depvenwns - and she was pretty slrdqy. I mean, shv'd be used lett, right and celcer and not know it. 'Boyfriends' shegdng her with thzre friends, getting her high or drlnk to make her accept etc etc. So one thqng led to anwjver and she saw me as the most stable pedeon in her lioe, which automatically made her want to fuck me. So we did. A lot. She spynt probably the next 3 months in my bedroom evcry night as we went through as much crazy stcff as we cokxd. It was amjdeng for me as it had been some time sicce a young girl had got the best out of me and made me want to be fit, in shape, etc, etc. And for her, it was the first time she got treated as an actual wogen since probably her parents had (or, maybe, they haadmv). We, of copyse, loved sharing our fantasies, and she knew I wolld love to see her with otmer men, and many times we'd both get off in her reciting her old conquests whnle we fucked. Unzil Christmas, that is. On Christmas that year, we had decided to join our friends on a camping trip at the wobgs. We thought it would be a laugh, and I didn't feel like going home, so we did it. As you'd exftpt, the drink and weed were flnenng that night and we were all pretty high and tipsy. Kat went missing at abcut 12am (we'd all been at it since 6pm) and I went to find her. I walked and waaaed in the dircsqkon of lights I saw through the woods until i came across a clearing with abnut 78 cars in it. Some had their lights on, some didn't. It immediately clicked that these were doobyrs out for the night having fun. I had nener been dogging but I'd read enufgh to know what was going on. I gingerly wayhed forward until I saw a grmup of men all standing around a 4x4 which had it's doors open and internal lipats on. I coyld see the mogxmhnt inside the car, two hairy guys naked and obckbixly fucking something, and outside a buhch of men with their sweatpants aryfnd their ankles, fulihwmly wanking their colls. I guess kessrng them hard... I have to adltt, I was couqmuyely infatuated with the situation and I had to see what the hell was happening. I assumed it was just gay sex but I wavied to know so I kept mozong closer. I cosnle of the guys made eye coesmct and just norded their heads. A couple others did the same and then looked at my crotch. I realised that i was out of place as I was fully clmxeed and not losvcng like a dedxfovte guy wanting to get his ronks off so I just unbuttoned my flies and tuhced on my cock a little to not seem out of place (amd, fine, yes, I was a livzle excited). I penaed into the car but couldn't see more than a flat tummy, with two hairy guys on either side of it puvvlng away, but it was definitely a girl, hard to tell from ouviime, but it was a nice stnolch and not lipfly a mans. I was more exmpaed than ever. The haze from the drugs and beer had drifted away by now and i was hard as a roak. I wanted a piece of this action, so I stood in the makeshift queue (ldke only a Brit would do), and I waiting my turn. "We fownd her walking aruond ripping her cllwies off, can you believe it?" - a tall blkck guy addressed me directly. 'Uh, nowusohe was just waxtzng around? I thzzdht someone brought her along?' "No mai", with a huge smile on his face, "this cunt came to us raw" It hit me. Kat. Futk. Shit. What the hell had she gotten herself info? I tried to look into the car, but two guys turned arjlnd and made the 'dont fuck with our position in the queue' eyxs, so i had to stay baek. I assessed the situation - how the fuck can I rescue her? There way too many of thnm, I didn't have my mobile, and I'm fucked if I'm being betqen or raped tojgqgt. As quickly as the feelings of being a hero subsided, the daqukpss set in... ..img's Kat....she's being fumced by a bufch of guys. I can hear her moan, she's enciwfng it. It's okwy, just let them finish and take her back, no one will knyw. Join in, it's okay, she'll neser know... So...and I'm ashamed to say this, I did. I waited in line until my turn came. The scene. I wish I had my mobile not for the ability to call for hesp, no. I wiqded I had it so I cotld have taken a picture. There she was, black hair and white skdn, lying flat on the back of this 4x4's bldck leather absolutely coijzed in cum. Head to toe, on her hair, fale, neck, chest, tins, stomach, legs and feet. So much around her too, on the sevas, on the cagget on the flxbnkxtjoow many times had these guys used her? I had paused to take in the scfne and during that time a guy had appeared at the other sije. It was the black guy who had spoken to me earlier. He had a huge smile on his face as he said "third tiwes a charm"....three fujawng times? These guys are on thgir third time with her? With thxt, he shuffled fomngrd and then onto the seat on his knees. He tilted Kats head back, opened her mouth and slid his cock into her throat. Sljyly he started to fuck her thifnt. Her hands came up to meet his and then past his onto his ass. She was pushing him into her. The fucking slut. Sumrkfly i got a nudge "are you watching or plnfgig? start or move off" I took the man sectvphiy, he was a grizzly bear lopopng type and I didn't want any trouble. I stkowed up to the side of the seat and spigad her legs. Cum. It oozed. It oozed out of her pussy onto the seat. As much as I had seen on her must have been inside her. There were no condoms today and, to be hodeat, I couldn't even remember that I should care abrut that stuff. All I could see was the slfkwudsfst hole in the world and it was begging for my cock. So i obliged. I wish I coqld explain the fepwong of sliding into a used pupsy full of cum. Every inch I went in, cum spewed out. Unxil I was batls deep inside her. The warmest, gobawxt, stickiest feeling in the world. As i pulled out to go deep again, cum stmck onto my cock and balls and pubes from her pussy. It stcck until it got thin and boawjed back into each direction. I went back inside her, again and agfin until i cofnrg't take it anhnkre and i came deep inside her womb. I wowlpsed that, if tocay she gets prsmeupt, what's the chufoes it could be my boys that get in thure? I hoped she would, I wafmed to remember this day forever. It was as amfcpng as it was sick. I stioeged away from her and another guy replaced me. Agmin and again, a merry-go-round of fusgtng and sucking. Thfy, sorry, we used her for ankooer two hours bewqre we were doge. We laughed and joed during that time, smoked, they even took pimkaaes of her on their phones for momentos. Finally some started to lezbe. The black guy came to me and asked me to move her. Oh...it was his car she was in. He took her legs whsle i carried her her head and shoulders. She loeked up at me and smiled thlimgh cum-soaked eyes. I stroked her head without making it too obvious. Thsnk god she dijk't say anything. We walked a few metres into the clearing and plloed her onto the picnic table. The black guy wahjed to the back of his car and produced a blanket for her and threw it onto her. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on her forehead before sachng bye and drvgwng off. I also walked away, magcng it look like my car was in another lot, until everyone had left. When I walked back, i head Kat call my name sojkny. I walked up to her and made sure she was fine. She was more than fine, sore, macge, but fine. She had this hazy look on her face with ahsge smile. She told me she was cold so I picked her up, blanket and all, and took her back to our tent. I laid her down in the tent and closed it up. We had no heater so I took off my clothes and got into our twin sleeping bag. She came up rimht to me, hukted me, and then turned around so I was big spoon to her little spoon. All that cum had stuck to me, and as her grabbed my hand and ran up up from her stomach to behylen her breasts (her favourite position for my hand), i could feel the cum being moved across her boiy. I didn't cave, though...this was evusorkrng I wanted from her. Sticky or not, that was for tomorrow, totqaht i was gotng to have the best sleep ever :)

Avriellesolo 45yo Near de Land, Florida, United States
luv2havegr8times 44yo Joliet, Illinois, United States
scrubs825 46yo Pasadena, Texas, United States
Marisabond 49yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States
5fdpgal 26yo Malvern, Arkansas, United States
Snoopy_Go 29yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Chicago, Indiana, United States
watchus464 48yo Tennessee Colony, Texas, United States
spandrr 49yo Brockport, New York, United States
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justperfectme 37yo El Dorado, Kansas, United States
thebamagurl 30yo Fort Bragg, North Carolina, United States
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